Saturday, April 14, 2012

If Sufferings were Dreams

Over a couple of weeks I have developed a habit of taking a nap in the afternoon for an hour or more. This helps me to stay awake till 12am letting me to complete all my day’s works. As an aged, psychologists also say, one hardly needed long hours of sleep. And I have realized that ‘sleep’ has wasted my valuable time which otherwise could have been resorted to doing useful works. 

When I lie down to sleep, in a busy day’s schedule, my workaholic heart would not listen to droop down. My conscience has to advice him that there is nothing wrong to take a nap. It would than boil down its craving, think about the empty finality, and accompany my soul to travel into the world adjacent to our universe. I won’t dare to go far.
Every nap in my afternoon had given me very good a rest. They have taken me out into the alien land and brought me back swiftly without even a jerk. But today’s was different. I suffered brutal pain and agony. I slept after a tiresome research, flipping every page and clicking every link on the website, and finding no reliable resources.
In the dream, I had once again gotten up for the research. There was no computer on my desk (in reality too). So I went to borrow from my neighbor and got one (which I always do). Even as I was working, the computer broke into two pieces. And there started my worry. I knew that I would have to buy a new computer for my neighbor as he would not accept that. Where would I bring the huge amount of money when I have no money to make my ends meet? How will I pay him? I cried incessantly and resorted to finding solutions. I envisioned my mother scolding me for being careless. However, when my neighbor returned I was asked, bluntly, to pay him Nu 35,000 and take the scrape for free.
I ran my hands into the pocket only to find Nu 500. I was much saddened to think of my state of being penniless. I thought of borrowing from my relatives in Thimphu but realized instantly that I had none. I took a leave from my institute, RIM, and went for begging. I was wearing a brown hat with a walking stick to chase away the dogs, if any, on my way. I came to a beautiful house and hardly had I explained him my failure and trouble when he yelled at me, “Go away”.
Hearing the yell, I woke up with a sudden jerk and looked for my stick around to throw at him. But I was taken to laughter when I realized that it was a mere dream. The yell had come from the people playing Table Tennis near my door. 
I became so happy for I need not have to pay for the computer. I wished if every mistake of mine could be a dream just like this. How happy you become to realize that your sufferings are nothing but weird actions in the dream. To celebrate that, I penned down this the moment I woke up. 

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