Friday, June 1, 2012

Be a Little Better than What you Speak

Bhutan celebrated “World No Tobacco Day” yesterday at the clock tower. The program was attended by the officials and blue-dressed students (from some primary schools I guess). Amid a lot of singing programs and educative jokes shared by the presenters, who persuaded people to refrain from the sale and consumption of Tobacco, I recalled an incidence of shame and embarrassment.

The incidence happened just a few days before. I was in one of the conferences organized and attended by many high officials. During our tea break, I was with my group continuing the discussion of the issue discussed in the conference hall over a cup of tea. And to our surprise, amid many people, someone with his Kabney still on his shoulders started lighting up the cigarette. 

I was surprised. We were surprised. He was a high official and who, by age, seemed to have known and experienced everything. He perhaps must have advised thousands to stop smoking but what about himself? If high officials set out such undesirable examples, what can we expect from our youngsters and commoners? Does someone, who is clear about the law and breaking it knowingly, look handsome? He must have felt nothing unusual but we were shocked to see him smoking in the public gathering. There were many passive smokers (second-hand smokers) around. Now here is a question: Can someone who enforces the law break the law as well?

Yesterday too, just like any other occasions, great people graced the occasion with every resounding and inspiring words. They spoke to the gathering every right word that came to their mind and persuaded people to stop smoking, chewing tobacco and so on. But referring to the above incidence, I only wish if they are a little better than what they speak and the people a little better than what they listen. 

Unless we realize what we talk, our speeches will only be great speeches in the cassettes.

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